CNS Contract

Core CNS contract

CNS contract is a central contract with core CNS logic. It is responsible for registering domains, extending subscriptions and updating values that domains resolve to.

All registered names are stored in the registry contract instance. Registry is a BictoryStorage v1 key-value storage contract. Single domain can resolve to various addresses, that user stores. User is allowed to store unlimited amount of data per each domain. CNS name ownership is entirely managed by CNS NFT contracts. This way name ownership could be purchased or sold on NFT marketplace.

Registry security is ensured by only allowing explicitly authorized CNS contracts to make changes to it.

Domain name format

Domain name must be a valid UTF-8 string under 256 bytes long. Labels are separated by ., each label must be under 64 bytes long. CNS domains must end in .ccd

It is recommended to convert domain names to lowercase on each function call for better interoperability with Bictory CNS. It is also a up to the caller to make sure domain name doesn't contain characters that are easy to misinterpret as another one.

Key format

To allow predictable and optimal domain name search, names are hashed before storing them in registry contract. Function to hash names is called namehash and it is identical to ENS.

Algorithm description

  1. Split domain names by '.';

  2. Reverse resulting list;

  3. Hash first element with Keccak256 hashing algorithm;

  4. Resulting hash join with next element and apply Keccak256 hashing again;

  5. Repeat step 4 until there are no elements left in the list.

Resulting hash can be used as a key in the registry contract.


Subdomains can be created for personal use, but can not be transfered or traded. This implementation does not mint NFT tokes for new subdomains.


String ::= (size: u32 as LE) (buffer: u8 * size; UTF-8 encoded)
Address ::= (tag: u8 = 0) (address: AccountAddress)
          | (tag: u8 = 1) (address: ContractAddress)
AccountAddress ::= (address: u8 * 32)
ContractAddress ::= (index: u8 * 8) (subindex: u8 * 8)
TokenId ::= (size: u8) (buffer: u8 * size)
DataValue ::= (tag: u8 = 0; Empty)
            | (tag: u8 = 1; Address) (value: Address)
            | (tag: u8 = 2; URL)     (url: String)
            | (tag: u8 = 3; Binary)  (bytes: Bytes)
            | (tag: u8 = 4; String)  (string: String)
            | (tag: u8 = 5; TokenId) (contract: ContractAddress) (id: TokenId)

Write functions

Function register

Receive name: BictoryCns.register

If given domain name does not exist or has expired, create a new registry entry and a new CNS NFT token. CNS NFT token ID is equal to namehash(domain). Any compatible CNS NFT contract address can be used to update it. Total registration subscription duration is limited by subscription_year_limit. This period can be extended, but total subscription duration can never exceed subscription_year_limit years from current date.

Parameters in binary

Parameter ::= (domain: String) (address: Address) (duration_years: u8)


  • -1 ParseError

  • -31 InvalidDuration

    • duration_years exceeds subscription year limit.

  • -35 AlreadyExists

    • Domain already exists and has not expired.

  • -36 Unauthorized

    • Price oracle has set limited policy for domains of this length.

  • -38 InvalidDomainFormat

    • Domain doesn't meet the requirements (See Domain name format);

    • domain is a subdomain.

  • -2147483635 AmountTooLarge

    • Not enough funds for chosen duration.

Internal errors, can only happen if the contract was configured incorrectly:

  • -32 OperationNotPermitted

  • -33 InvokeContractError

  • -37 Incompatible

  • -2147483634 MissingAccount

Function extend

Receive name: BictoryCns.extend

Extend the subscription duration for given domain. Extension is allowed for up to total of subscription_year_limit years from current date. Everyone is allowed to extend subscription period for any domain, regardless of ownership.

Parameters in binary

Parameter ::= (domain: String) (duration_years: u8)


  • -1 ParseError

  • -30 NotFound

    • Domain to extend subscription does not exist or has expired.

  • -31 InvalidDuration

    • Sum of extension duration and remaining subscription duration exceeds subscription year limit.

  • -36 Unauthorized

    • Price oracle has set limited policy for domains of this length.

  • -38 InvalidDomainFormat

    • Domain doesn't meet the requirements (See Domain name format);

    • domain is a subdomain.

  • -2147483635 AmountTooLarge

    • Not enough funds for chosen duration.

Internal errors, can only happen if the contract was configured incorrectly:

  • -32 OperationNotPermitted

  • -33 InvokeContractError

  • -37 Incompatible

  • -2147483634 MissingAccount

Function setAddress

Full name: BictoryCns.setAddress

Performs NFT ownership check, after that updates the address in the registry.

Parameters in binary

Parameter ::= (domain: String) (address: Address)




  • -1 ParseError

  • -30 NotFound

    • Domain to extend subscription does not exist or has expired.

  • -36 Unauthorized

    • Domain is not owned by the user that sends request;

    • Domain is in grace period.

  • -38 InvalidDomainFormat

    • Domain doesn't meet the requirements (See Domain name format).

Internal errors, can only happen if the contract was configured incorrectly:

  • -32 OperationNotPermitted

  • -33 InvokeContractError

  • -37 Incompatible

Function setData

Full name: BictoryCns.setData

Performs NFT ownership check, after that updates the entry in the registry.

Parameters in binary

Parameter ::= (domain: String) (key: String; non-empty) (value: DataValue)




  • -1 ParseError

  • -30 NotFound

    • Domain to extend subscription does not exist or has expired.

  • -36 Unauthorized

    • Domain is not owned by the user that sends request;

    • Domain is in grace period.

  • -38 InvalidDomainFormat

    • Domain doesn't meet the requirements (See Domain name format).

Internal errors, can only happen if the contract was configured incorrectly:

  • -32 OperationNotPermitted

  • -33 InvokeContractError

  • -37 Incompatible

Function createSubdomain

Full name: BictoryCns.createSubdomain

Can be called by domain owner to create new subdomain. If given subdomain name does not exist, a new registry entry is created. Subdomains can not be traded or transfered and expire together with the domain.

Parameters in binary

Parameter ::= (subdomain: String)


  • -1 ParseError

  • -30 NotFound

    • Domain to extend subscription does not exist or has expired.

  • -36 Unauthorized

    • Domain is not owned by the user that sends request;

    • Domain is in grace period.

    • Price oracle has set limited policy for subdomains of this length.

  • -38 InvalidDomainFormat

    • Domain doesn't meet the requirements (See Domain name format).

  • -2147483635 AmountTooLarge

    • Not enough funds for chosen subdomain length.

Internal errors, can only happen if the contract was configured incorrectly:

  • -32 OperationNotPermitted

  • -33 InvokeContractError

  • -37 Incompatible

  • -2147483634 MissingAccount

Function deleteSubdomain

Full name: BictoryCns.deleteSubdomain

Can be called by domain owner to delete subdomain and all it's registry data. This function can also be called by anyone if the domain has expired to clean up subdomain data.

Parameters in binary

Parameter ::= (subdomain: String)


  • -1 ParseError

  • -30 NotFound

    • Subdomain data doesn't exist.

  • -38 InvalidDomainFormat

    • Domain doesn't meet the requirements (See Domain name format);

    • domain is not a subdomain.

Internal errors, can only happen if the contract was configured incorrectly:

  • -32 OperationNotPermitted

  • -33 InvokeContractError

  • -37 Incompatible

Read functions

Function resolve

Full name: BictoryCns.resolve

Parameters in binary

Parameter ::= (domain: String)

Return value

Result ::= (address: Address)


  • -1 ParseError

  • -30 NotFound

    • Subdomain or subdomain doesn't exist or has expired.

  • -38 InvalidDomainFormat

    • Domain doesn't meet the requirements (See Domain name format).

Internal errors, can only happen if the contract was configured incorrectly:

  • -33 InvokeContractError

  • -37 Incompatible

Function getData

Full name: BictoryCns.getData

Gets the data corresponding to the given key from the registry.

Parameters in binary

Parameter ::= (domain: String) (key: String)

Return value

Result ::= (value: DataValue)


  • -1 ParseError

  • -30 NotFound

    • Subdomain or subdomain doesn't exist or has expired.

  • -38 InvalidDomainFormat

    • Domain doesn't meet the requirements (See Domain name format).

Internal errors, can only happen if the contract was configured incorrectly:

  • -33 InvokeContractError

  • -37 Incompatible

Last updated