Price Oracle

Price oracle contract for CNS

Set and read pricing policy for CNS domains.


DomainKind ::= (tag: u8 = 0; Domain)
             | (tag: u8 = 1; Subdomain)
DomainPrice ::= (tag: u8 = 0; Limited)
              | (tag: u8 = 1; Amount) (micro_ccd: u64)

Read functions

Function getYearlyDomainPrice

Receive name: BictoryCnsPriceOracle.getYearlyDomainPrice

Get pricing info for domain with given parameters.

Parameters in binary

Parameter ::= (domain_kind: DomainKind) (length: u16)

Return value

Result ::= (result: DomainPrice)


  • -2147483646 ParseError

Last updated